V55LA DXpedition to NAMIBIA

DXpeditions Dates
From 30 October 2024 to 11 November 2024
Our Team
Rune Egil Øye – LA7THA
Rune has operated as S9LA, Z2LA, 5B/LA7THA, P8LB, 9J2LA, 3Y0J.
He received his license in 1991. He enjoys DXing and particular 160m. He do participate in some of the major contests. His preferable mode is CW, but he do some SSB and Digi as well. He enjoys the technical part of the hobby, experimenting with RX antennas. He has buildt two tube amps, and are currently building a RF-kit solid state amplifier. Rune will be active in cw, ssb and digimode.
Gjermund Bringsvor - LB5GI
Gjermund is licensed since 2019 and has been a member of JW0W, 3Y0J and in various contests.
He will be active in ssb and digmode.
Erwann - LB1QI (F6JJX)
Erwann has operated from FR/F6KDF/T (Tromelin), FT5ZH (co organizer), FR/F6JJX, W6/F6JJX, JW/LB1QI, JW0W, and 3Y0J (Bouvet). He is also an active contester at: TM2T, TM0DX, TM0ANT, F6JJX, LN8W.
He will be active in cw, ssb and digmode.
Svein Bergstøl – LA3BO
Svein is licensed since 1970. He is an active contester, mainly in CW. He enjoys SOTA activations. He has been active from Lesotho with the 7P8LB team and 9J2LA.
Svein will be active in cw and digimode.
Morten Kvernmoen – LB8DC
He’s an avid contester and DXer. He’s participated in numerous contests over the years with a variety of calls. Since 2006 he is holding LA3C/LN3C (LI3C in 2014) and uses that primarily for contesting. His first DXpedition was to Svalbard in 1993 as JW9DFA. He’s returned twice since (2006 and 2011) and has enjoyed the pileups, despite the challenge of working HF through aurora. He’s operated as OJ0LA on Market Reef with the QLF DX Team and, in March 2016, as VK9CK on Cocos (Keeling) Island with the DipperDX Team. In November 2017 he was a part of the team, VK9MA activating Mellish Reef. He was also part of the 9J2LA team. Morten enjoys running large pileups in SSB and RTTY, but has a particular affection for CW pileups.
Chris Quale – LA8OM
Licenced in 1969 at age 16, Chris couldn’t wait to attend the CQWW CW and phone contests that same year. After being QRT from 1981 until 2001, LA8OM still favours contests, also at LN8W and LA4C. Prior DXpeditions JW0W, 9J2LA, TO8M. Preferred mode is CW, but also conversant in SSB and FT8.
Philipp Gröger – OE7PGI
Phillipp’s interests are SSB, FT8 and a little RTTY, Low Bands and 6m TEP. In November 2015 he was QRV from PJ4. In october 2017 he was QRV for 2 weeks from several location in West France. Then in March 2018 his dream come true to be QRV from Africa. For 11 days he was QRV from Benin as TY7C. In March 2019 he was QRV from Lesotho as 7P8LB. Philipp was also a member of the 9J2LA team. He will be active in ssb and digimode.
Svein Jarle Moe – LA9KKA
Svein Jarle is the “Owner of all technical difficulties” – small or large. He is solving most of them – or at least trying too.
He is a IT consultant by trade, first licensed as LC3EAT in the mid 1990s.
Svein Jarle has participated in the S9LA, 3G0YM/3G0YP and 7P8LB DXpeditions. His interests include VHF/UHF, DV, digimodes and Emcomm activities.
Svein Jarle will take care of computers, networking, radio interfacing and related matters, and operate FT8.
Torvald Baade Bringsvor - LB1FI
Torvald got his license in 2017 but due to QTH constraints and other factors has not had as much airtime yet. First time on expedition. Member of NRRL. Mostly operates on CW while sweating so will probably be filling in on digi modes for V55LA.

Our QTH:
Our QTH will be at a Farm situated in the fertile Otjihaenena Valley and Maize Triangle of Grootfontein, Tsumeb and Otavi; famous for the production of white-maize, the staple food of the indigenous people and cattle farming.
Our camp is a perfect stop over nearby Grootfontein and un-route to Waterberg, Etosha, Kavango and Caprivi.
Seven SunSDR radios
RF-Kit, Juma, Expert amplifiers
Two x HEX beam using Triplex / Diplex plus filters
Two x DX commander vertical antennas
One x 60/40/30 Vertical
1 x 1/4 wave vertical for 80m band
1 x 22m Toploaded Vertical for 160m
Beverage antennas to NA, EU, Asia
Clublog live to be used if internet is reliable!


QSL Policy:
QSL manager is M0OXO Charles
Request your QSL card via M0OXO OQRS ONLY: https://www.m0oxo.com/oqrs/logsearch.php?dxcallsign=v55la
Not in log: Use the busted call facility on the OQRS page.
Logsearch can also be found on Clublog: https://clublog.org/logsearch/V55LA
People who donate $10.00 or more BEFORE the Dxpedition will get a free QSL Card. There is no need to request the card, our Manager will send it Direct to you. However, if you have any Busted/Missing Call enquiries, please resolve these with the QSL Manager as he will confirm only QSO’s that are correct in his log.
QSL direct via OQRS + fast LOTW: 5 USD
Buro QSL only via OQRS: 2 USD
LOTW: V55LA full log will be uploaded 6 months after the DXpeditions return.
73 de Team V55LA
For direct request:
Charles Wilmott (MØOXO)
60 Church Hill,
Royston, Barnsley,
South Yorkshire, S71 4NG
England, UK
Include USD 3$ for return postage.
For all donations you can use the following email address on your Paypal app (to friends)
Please don't forget your callsign!
Via Bank transfer

Amateur Radio DXpeditions
Sandshamna 28
IBAN NO8542140330765